Serving the children and families of East Bakersfield!
Children First Children First Children First Children First Children First

Andrae Gonzales

Andrae was elected to Bakersfield City Council in November 2016. Prior to his service on the City Council, he served as a trustee on the Bakersfield City School Board for six years. He currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer for Stewards Inc, a non-profit organization that helps seniors and disabled citizens manage their incomes. 

Andrae is driven by his deep commitment to serving his community.  As a member of the Bakersfield City School District Board of Education, Andrae improved the performance and safety of our neighborhood schools and worked to get the best value for our tax dollars. He helped found a faith-based non-profit that works to improve the quality of life for families in need. In 2011, he founded Children First Campaign to keep kids off the street and focused on school.


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